ANZCA ASM Brisbane 3-7 May 2024:

ANZCA ASM Equity Grants 2024

Applications are now closed.

The introduction of a suite of ANZCA ASM equity grants in 2024 (as a pilot) is a proposed new initiative that will support equity, inclusion and diversity.  

We envisage that the grants will: 

  • Improve educational access and awareness among the college community. 
  • Develop and strengthen ANZCA’s engagement with fellows. 
  • Support attendance at the ASM for delegates who previously may not have been able to attend. 
  • Support delegates who reside in extremely remote locations, making travel to the ASM difficult, requiring extra leave and higher travel costs. (Provided funding is not available through other sources). 
  • Support caring duties that cannot be addressed without significant financial costs that can’t be paid by alternative means (e.g. PDL). 

The 2024 ANZCA ASM equity grants are sponsored by the National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre (NCCTRC). 

1. How many grants are there and what can they be used for?

It is proposed that up to 10 x $A1000 grants be awarded in 2024. 

Expenditure items that would be considered eligible for a grant: 

  • Reasonable domestic and international travel in economy class (if cost of travel pertains to your equity application). 
  • The cost of an external carer registered with a professional organisation (the college would not be liable for a childcare provider chosen by an applicant). 
  • The cost of childcare provided through a hotel. 
  • Registration for the ASM. 

Expenditure items not eligible to use grant funding for: 

  • Expenditure incurred on past events. 
  • Cost of applying for the grant. 
  • Cost of travel insurance. 
  • Costs incurred prior to submission of your application. 
  • Gifts. 

2. Who can apply for the ASM equity grants? 

The grants are open to: 

  • Fully paid fellows (FANZCA and FFPMANZCA).  
  • Fellows who have not attended the ANZCA ASM for three years prior to year of application. 

 Applicants can apply for three consecutive years, then become ineligible. 

3. How do I apply? 

 The grant application requires a written submission of 500 words. Please use the online form to apply and submit to 

Applicants need to:  

  • Outline the equity issue affecting their access to the ASM. 
  • Include information on relevant providers (childcare and/or respite) and/or airlines and/or accommodation outlining how they intend to use the grant funding. Provide invoices post ASM for payment to be provided into nominated bank account. 
  • Show evidence of barriers to attendance at in-person ASM. 
  • Describe how attending the ASM will provide strong educational benefit to the applicant and their department. 
  • Assist with evaluation of pilot program. 

 4. What are the timelines? 

  • Applications open: Monday 11 March 2024. 
  • Applications close: Monday 8 April COB 2024 – we have extended the close date!
  • Judging period: Tuesday 9 April – Friday 12 April 2024. 
  • Successful applicants advised: Monday 15 April 2024. 

5. How are the grants determined and when will I know if I’m successful? 

Applications will be assessed by a panel consisting of the chair of the ASM and Events Planning Committee, the chair of the Gender Equity Sub-committee and the executive director, Fellowship Affairs.  

Successful applications will be notified via email from Monday 8 April. Please see timelines section for further information. 

6. When will the grants be paid? 

Successful applicants will be required to submit a reimbursement form with supporting tax invoices post the ANZCA ASM. Once received, the grant will be paid to a nominated bank account. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ANZCA Events team at