ANZCA ASM Brisbane 3-7 May 2024:

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer to your query here?

If you can’t find the answer to your query in any of these FAQs then please email us at We aim to respond to your email within two working days. We will respond to emails in the order in which they are received.

What will the 2024 ANZCA ASM look like?

The 2024 ANZCA ASM will be an in-person meeting delivered at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre (BCEC). All scientific sessions (plenary and concurrent sessions) will be recorded and will be available on the ASM online event platform one week post the ASM dates.

The content will be available to watch onDemand for up to 12 months post the meeting. There will not be a live stream of any sessions.

An ASM onDemand package will be available for those not able to attend in-person. This package includes the recordings from the scientific program – plenary and concurrent sessions. Whilst not a live stream, you will have access to this content from 14 May 2024 for 12 months.

What happens if I register as in-person delegate and can no longer attend in-person?

Your registration will automatically be transferred to an ASM onDemand package registration if you are unable to attend in-person. Please note the terms and conditions to avoid cancellation fees.

If the 2024 ANZCA ASM cannot run in-person what happens?

Regardless of the situation we have plans in place to deliver a meeting. Your registration will automatically be transferred to whatever is applicable at the time.

Are there satellite meetings?

Yes. The FPM Symposium will be held on Friday 3 May.

The FPM Symposium will be held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre (BCEC) and registration is now open.

When is the Emerging Leaders Conference (ELC) and how do I find out more information?

The 2024 ELC, ‘Breaking Barriers’ will be held from 30 April to 2 May. Applications have now closed and applicants will be notified in early December. The conference will be held at Cedar Creek Lodges, Mt Tamborine, the perfect location to meet likeminded people, share your story, discuss ideas, and enhance your leadership capabilities.

For more information visit the Emerging Leaders Conference page.

Where is the 2024 ANZCA ASM and FPM Symposium being held?

The 2024 ANZCA ASM is being held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre (BCEC) from 3-7 May 2024.  The FPM Symposium will be held on Friday 3 May also at the BCEC.

Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
Glenelg St, South Brisbane, Qld 4101

The 2024 ASM will offer a dynamic program for in-person attendees. For those not yet ready or unable to meet in-person, an ASM onDemand package with recordings from the scientific program – including the plenary and concurrent sessions will be available. There will not be a live stream of any content. This ASM onDemand package will be available for viewing from 14 May 2024.

How do I get to the 2024 ANZCA ASM?

For detailed information for how to get to Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, please visit the BCEC website.

When will registration open?

Registration for the 2024 ANZCA ASM and FPM Symposium is now open here.

What registration options are there and how much does it cost to attend?

You can register to attend the ASM as an in-person delegate or purchase an ASM onDemand package.

The registration costs are noted on the registration page and this page details registration inclusions, exclusions, and the registration rates/categories.

ASM onDemand package
The ASM onDemand package can be purchased from 28 November 2023, however the link to watch any content will not be sent until 14 May 2024. There will not be a live stream of any content.

Can I still register after the ASM has finished?

Yes, attendees can purchase an ASM onDemand package registration up until 30 June 2024. The ASM onDemand package offers unrestricted access to watch any of the onDemand content for 12 months post the 2024 ASM.

When does early bird registration close?

Early bird registration is now closed.

I live overseas, am I able to attend?

Yes, overseas attendees who can’t travel to Brisbane will be able to register for the ASM onDemand package. This package will be available for viewing one week post the meeting dates – Tuesday 14 May 2024. There will not be a live stream of any content.

Can I pay to attend just one session?

There are no ‘session only’ registration options available for the 2024 ANZCA ASM. We do however offer two-day registrations and full registration options.


What do I do if I need to alter or cancel my registration?

All alterations and cancellations need to be received in writing to and will be subject to the relevant registration cancellation terms and conditions.


What catering is included?

Morning and afternoon teas and lunches are included across the five days, including the welcome reception, college ceremony and healthcare industry reception. If you have purchased tickets to other social functions or optional activities, please refer to individual inclusions. Please note any dietary requirements at the time of registration.

How do I book my accommodation?

The organising committee is delighted to offer delegates a variety of specially negotiated hotel and apartment accommodation choices that suit varying budgets.

Accommodation can be booked at time of registration. Details for each hotel are available on our accommodation page and booking information is available on your registration confirmation email, after you have registered.

ASM Call for abstracts
When does the call for abstracts close?

The ASM call for abstracts closed on 21 January 2024.

When will the program be available to view?

The 2024 ASM program is available to view on the website here.

I've registered as an in-person delegate. Can I watch any sessions that I miss live?

Plenary and concurrent sessions will be recorded and made available on the ASM online event platform from 14 May 2024, one week post the ASM dates. Delegates will then have access to the platform for 12 months.  There will not be a live stream of any content.

Who gets access to the ASM online event platform?

Access to the ASM online event platform is included for in-person delegates and delegates who purchase the ASM onDemand package.

The ASM onDemand package can be purchased from 28 November 2023, however the link to watch any content will not be sent until 14 May 2024. There will not be a live stream of any content.


I’ve purchased the ASM onDemand package. What will I get access to?

The recordings of the plenary and concurrent sessions will be available on the ASM online event platform from 14 May 2024, one week post the ASM dates. You will not be sent any login details until 14 May 2024. There will not be a live stream of any content.

Are the presentations being recorded?

Yes, they are. In-person delegates and those who purchase the ASM onDemand package will have access to the recordings of the plenary and concurrent sessions. They will be available on the 2024 ASM online event platform from 14 May 2023, one week post the ASM dates. On Demand package registrants will receive their login details from 14 May 2024.

Workshop and Small Group Discussion (SGD) program

Coming to Brisbane gives you access to an interesting and diverse range of workshops and small group discussions (SGDs). All designed to assist you in your training and development. Expect highly interactive practical skills sessions, combining hands-on learning and group discussions.

ASM onDemand packageThere are a small number of online workshops available for the ASM onDemand package registrants.

All workshops must be attended in-person/real time to gain CPD points.

Can I register for more than one workshop or SGD?

Yes. Delegates may register for more than one workshop or SGD. Workshops/SGDs have limited space and places are allocated on a first come first served basis.

I’ve registered for an offsite workshop. How do I get there?

Please check when registering for offsite workshops what transport options are available.

If offsite transfer options are provided, shuttles will depart the BCEC approximately 30 minutes prior to the start time for the workshop. Please take note of this when registering to avoid any clashes with other workshops.

Can I make my own way to an offsite workshop?

Yes, venue information for all offsite workshops is included in the program brochure. Delegates can make their own way to the venue Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of the workshop.

Will workshop facilitators contact me directly?

Facilitators may contact participants directly in the lead up to the meeting to provide background or preparatory material.

I have registered for an emergency response workshop. When will I receive pre-reading material?

It is anticipated that delegates will be provided with pre-reading material approximately two-weeks prior to the ASM.

Are there any online workshops available for ASM onDemand package registrants?

There are a small number of online workshops available for delegates who have registered for the ASM onDemand package. These workshops will not be recorded and must be attended in real-time to receive CPD.

What are the technology options available?

ASM mobile app
The ASM mobile app will be available for in-person delegates prior to the meeting. It will include the program and speaker listings, exhibition floor plan, resource gallery and other must-have information while onsite at the meeting. You will be sent your link to the mobile app approximately one week prior to the start of the meeting.

ASM onDemand package registrants will not receive any login details for the online platforms until 14 May 2024, post the ASM dates. There is no live stream of any content.

ASM online event platform
The ASM online event platform will be made available for in-person delegates and ASM onDemand package registrants to watch plenary and concurrent session recordings from 14 May 2024. All delegates will have access to the session recordings for 12 months post the meeting.

All workshops and small group discussions must be attended in real time. These will not be recorded.

How and when will CPD points be allocated?

Attendance in CPD portfolio by late June 2024

Participants of the ANZCA and FPM CPD program will automatically have their attendance auto populated to their CPD portfolio in June 2024.

Visit the CPD page for more specific information.

Not a participant of the ANZCA and FPM CPD program?
If you’re not participating in our CPD program, please check with your respective college/provider regarding your CPD classifications. Post-event, you may request an electronic certificate of attendance for CPD evidence from the ANZCA events team. 
College Ceremony
When will the 2024 College Ceremony be held?

The 2024 College Ceremony will be held on Saturday 4 May from 6pm at the BCEC.

Who can attend and is there a cost?

The College Ceremony is inclusive for all registered delegates and their families. It is a family friendly event.

For more information, please visit the College Ceremony page.

Facilities for delegates with young children
Is there a parents' room at the BCEC?

BCEC has an accessible parenting room equipped with a feeding area, change table and food preparation area. The dedicated parenting room can be found in the following location:

BCEC, Foyer level

If you require assistance locating a parenting room while at the venue, please visit the customer service desk or ask one of the BCEC team members.

An ANZCA parents’ room will be available for parents to utilise during the meeting. This room will enable access to view content from the main plenary hall. The BCEC parents’ room, has a change table and food preparation area near this room.

The ANZCA parents’ room will be open from 8am-5pm from 3-7 May 2024.


Will there be a creche at the 2024 ANZCA ASM?

We unfortunately will not be able to provide creche facilities for the 2024 ASM in Brisbane.

Since COVID, the number of childcare companies willing to provide off site services has decreased significantly.  Insurance and risk management, costs, availability and quality of staff and provision of equipment have all been provided by companies as the reasons why they would not provide an offsite service outside their centre.

The safety of the children using a creche at a college meeting has and always will be a top priority for the college.  If we cannot guarantee this safety or the quality of a provider then we believe it in the best interests of delegates and their children that we do not provide a creche.

Recommendations for nanny and/or babysitting services?

A number of the preferred hotels offer nanny and/or babysitting services.

Visit our accommodation page and look for the hotels marked with an asterix. When booking accommodation please take note of the nanny and/or babysitting options that these accommodation providers recommend.